
Monday, December 12, 2011

Donor Acquisition Strategies

What separated the nonprofits that had their fiscal house in order during the recession from those that didn't?  More often than not it was one thing: A solid donor acquisition strategy.

Acquiring new donors is key to keeping a steady stream of revenue coming into your organization.  But you can't go donor prospecting on the fly; you need a plan first.  During the 2011 National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC), Bryan Terpstra, VP of fundraising, and Robin Riggs, chief creative officer at LW Robbins, discussed some ways nonprofits could update their acquisition programs.  The NonProfit Times was there to hear these tips, and they are:
  • Brand Positioning: Make sure your mission is described clearly through your direct mail.  Donors who are hearing from you for the first time might have no idea what your organization is trying to accomplish.  Never assume that someone has done research beforehand.
  • Brand Awareness: Once you have defined your mission it's time to make sure it's promoted in as many channels as possible.  Remember that potential donors use many different forms of media, so don't be afraid of diversity.
  • Identify Your Best Prospects: Make use of lists to see which donors contribute to similar organizations.  These will be some of the best prosepcts for your nonprofit.
Want to learn even more about topics like this?  Check out our management tips page for advice on a wide array of nonprofit topics.

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